ABOUT_MISTER_FRED    ++ about the shop ++ about me and mister fred ++ about mister fred's philosophy ++ 


Stop. Slow down. Think. Choose well. Make it last.
Famous words of Vivienne Westwood. Maybe that is the key of Mister Fred's philosophy. 


In this fast-pacing world, Mister Fred likes to do things differently.
He likes to be at ease.
Far away from screaming voices or ads that tell him what he should do, wear, say, like.
He already knows.

But Mister Fred's philosophy is not only about personality.
About making your own choices.
Following your heart.

It is a cry, a scream against a waste-based economy.
Where everything loses value in the wink of an eye.
Where people's dignity and health at the start of the supply chain do not count.
Where the environment looses out against fast money.
Where low prices and sales are more important than fair prices.
Where we have no idea about real costs, origin, copyright.
A world in which we have lost a sense of reality.

Our kids grow up in this world.
But they don't need to.
Stop. Slow down. Think. Touch base.

Mister Fred wants a change.
Let's make an effort.


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